Muted Stripe

Raul & Rita - Pregnacy/Family Session

My husband has known Rita & Raul for many many years. I met them way before photography was something I was doing. We met for dinner recently and they told me they wanted to do a pregnancy shoot/family shoot. They will be welcoming their second baby, and she wanted an outdoor shoot since her first pregnancy shoot she opted for an indoor studio session. In the end they chose the beach.
We were experiencing high tide that day.
My favorite
Baby Alejandro will definitely be welcomed into a happy and fun home.
Poor Rita, after this shot she got soaked by a huge wave, but she was such a good sport about it.
I thought a little of a vintage color would look pretty cool in this last photo.
Thank you Raul & Rita for letting me document this important moment in your life.

A to Z of Me: A

This is a project I have started for myself to keep me blogging more but I have been soooo busy I haven't been able to start it. Being busy is a blessing, specially when this is the first year that I have actually been more public with my photography, but at the same time it may take away from other more important things and that is where I have to put things in perspective.

For this post I will start with A and A is for Amazing, my husband that is. I need to dedicate this post to him because he is my number one supporter, my number one fan. In the beginning he was a little apprehensive of me doing a career change, but deep down I always loved photography and knew it was what I wanted to do so I took the leap and he has been extremely supportive ever since. He doesn't mind spending our free day scouting for new places to shoot. He even lets me practice on him when I need to practice for my shoots. He gets more excited than me when I book a new event. It's gotten to the point that I have to be careful to say out loud of what I want cause he WILL buy it for me. My latest toy is the new 100 macro lens which I totally love. He sees me working hard and long hours and doesn't complain, and thank you babe! So this one is for you, I love you!

(I took this photo of him in one of our recent wedding shoots. He was walking towards me and I made him smile. He will probably hate it but this is who he is, Mr. Happy all the time)

Stephanie & Elias - Engagement

Our latest photo shoot was with Stephanie & Elias. They will get married in a month! Here is a preview of that e-session.