Muted Stripe

I'm back!

Hello Again,

I'm back from vacations. I had a blast, and happy to be back. But being back just makes me want to go on vacations again! Cruises are sooo addicting. Doing nothing but having fun, going to the beach and having food ready for you all the time, what is there to complain about?! These vacations I actually did a lot of relaxing and sleeping. I needed it after last year. But I did more relaxing than I wanted to. I have this thing that every vacations I go to something bad happens to me. Well this year I broke a toe. Yes, a toe. I'm not going to give any explanations, lol. Anyways, I wished I could have taken photos, but since it happened right at the beginning of my vacations, well, many times I didn't take my camera out with me. And the first days I just wanted to sleep cause of the pain. Either way, I am back, and gonna start blogging some shoots I did before I left so stay tuned!


January- Out of Office.

I have a year with my blog! I just can't believe how fast time flew and how busy I was in my first year that I actually put myself out there a bit more. It was genuinely a year that taught me sooo much and at the same time humbled me a lot more. I am always trying to better myself, and outdo the previous shoot. Maybe I go above and beyond, but I just want to make sure that I do things right. This year, I have goals set in mind. Some changes here and there, but everything for the best. Just can't wait to see all the beautiful people I will get a chance to photograph this year. If you are having a baby, getting married, or need a "just because", send me an email, and I would love to capture that special moment for you.

The beginning of the year is always very special to me cause it's my wedding anniversary. And we always celebrate it by going somewhere. In other words, I will be "out of the office" until January 24th. If you need to get a hold of me, please send me an email and I will gladly return your message once I get back.

Thanks so much everybody for believing in me, and getting my name out there, and visiting my blog.
We're going to be celebrating our 6 year anniversary. Happy anniversary to us!!!